
Prof. Huang-Chen Lee, Department of Communications Engineering, National Chung-Cheng University

Ph.D. in Computer Science, National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan, 2006~2010     


* Recent studies

 *My Google Scholar profile

Academic Experience:  

Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (2015~2024) here    
* 2023/1/4 Outstanding Associate Editor 2017+2018+2019+2020+2022 , IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement

Publications (conference/journal) ==> link here



Short Biography: 

Huang-Cheng Lee (SM’12) received his Ph.D. degree from the National Tsing-Hua University, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, in 2010. He has worked in the industry since 2000 and has a wide breadth of experience in designing smartphones and low-power embedded systems. Dr. Lee joined the Department of Communications Engineering and Electrical Engineering at National Chung-Cheng University, Taiwan in 2011, and was promoted to professor in 2021. Dr. Lee has been Associate Editor in Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement in 2024, also Associate Editor of the IEEE Sensors Journal in 2017. He received the award for Outstanding Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement from 2017 to 2020, four years in a row, and 2022. Dr. Lee has a strong track record of collaborating with industry partners for transfer technologies from academic research projects. His research topics are mainly related to wireless sensors, mesh networking, the Internet of Things (IoT), and low-power embedded systems. In terms of project research, Dr. Lee has served as the host and co-host of several Ministry of Science and Technology projects, with amounts of approximately more than 340,000 USD and more than 5.5 million USD respectively. He has also obtained funding from several private enterprises totaling more than 300,000 USD for industry-university research projects and transfer research results to the industry and enhance the competitiveness of our country's industry. Dr. Lee also received a research grant from the Ministry of Science and Technology’s Outstanding Young Scholars from 2018 to 2020.

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李皇辰 教授 中正大學通訊工程學系,


* 本實驗室近期相關研究 請按我  

* 本實驗室近期科技部計畫 請按我

 *My Google Scholar profile

* 本實驗室友、學生/畢業生 請按我

致高中生與家長: 特別強調且容易被誤解的是,中正大學與中正理工學院,兩間學校沒有任何關係。中正大學也沒有與國防軍事有任何相關,中正大學內也沒有任何與蔣介石、蔣中正相關的雕像與牌樓。


* 李皇辰博士於2010年取得清華大學資工博士學位,2011進入於中正大學通訊工程學系服務,2021年升等正教授。

* 他於取得博士學位之前,從2000年起就在工業界服務,主要擔任智慧型手機與低功率嵌入式系統的設計與開發工作。近來主要的研究領域為,使用無線感測網路、物聯網、低耗電嵌入式系統等技術。

* 他擔任多個期刊的副編輯(associate editor),包含IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measuremen、IEEE Sensors Journal與International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems。李博士獲得五次(2017~2020, 2022)榮獲IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement的傑出副編輯(Outstanding Associate Editor),同時本期刊2024將提升其為Associate Editor in Chief (AEiC),成為台灣第一位於本頂級期刊服務的最高階層人員。並已發表多篇IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement與IEEE Sensors Jouranl期刊論文。 

* 李博士獲得五次(2017~2020, 2022)榮獲IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement的傑出副編輯(Outstanding Associate Editor),同時本期刊2024將提升其為Associate Editor in Chief (AEiC)成為我國第一位於本頂級期刊服務的最高階層人員。 

* 計畫研究方面,自2011年起至今,李博士擔任多件科技部計畫主持人與共同主持人,總金額分別>1000萬與>1億多萬;並且他也近年來從多家民間單位爭取到總額超過>1000萬元的產學研究計畫,有效的將研究成果轉移到業界,提升我國產業競爭力。李博士也於2018~2020獲得科技部優秀年輕學者研究計畫補助。

 * 清華大學資工系系友會委員  ~~~

TEL: +886-(0)5-2720411-33515 

Address: R429, Innovation Building, National Chung Cheng University, No 168 University Rd, Ming-Shoung, Chia Yi County, Taiwan

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給老人用的Facebook My Facebook account  has been locked and cannot be used. If you need to contact me, please use email.





* 李皇辰博士於2010年取得清華大學資工博士學位,2011進入於中正大學通訊工程學系服務,2021年升等正教授。* 他於取得博士學位之前,從2000年起就在工業界服務,主要擔任智慧型手機與低功率嵌入式系統的設計與開發工作。近來主要的研究領域為,使用無線感測網路、物聯網、低耗電嵌入式系統等技術。研究成果包含(1)發展利用無線感測器網路,來機械工具機的運作與磨耗監控,進行機械結構之壽命估計判斷;(2)設計大範圍通訊的無線網狀網路模組(wireless mesh network module),提供物聯網應用使用;(3)設計低成本的物件追蹤架構,應用於工廠環境之人員/物件位置回報;(4)整合多種有線無線傳輸技術,搭配CoAP 架構,建立工業物聯網開發平台。受惠於該員之前於業界相關工作的經驗與人際網路,其研究的核心主題均與產業重要問題結合,讓研究方向與方法均具可行性,讓研發成果具有實際應用、解決真實世界問題的潛力。相關研究成果,至今已發表8篇為第一作者之IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 國際期刊論文與2 IEEE Sensors Journal 期刊論文。同時並且在無線感測網路、物聯網等相關的國際(包含IPSNSENSORSI2MTC )、國內研討會、雜誌等,發表相關研究論文、poster 等累計有十幾篇。同時該員也積極參與IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society 的國際活動,2015 年升等為IEEE senior member 資深會員,並擔任多個期刊的副編輯(associate editor),包含IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and MeasuremenIEEE Sensors JournalInternational Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems。李博士獲得五次(2017~2020, 2022)榮獲IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement的傑出副編輯(Outstanding Associate Editor),同時本期刊2024將提升其為Associate Editor in Chief (AEiC)成為我國第一為於本頂級期刊服務的最高階層人員。計畫研究方面,自2011年起至今,李博士擔任多件科技部計畫主持人與共同主持人,總金額分別超過1000萬與超過1億多萬;並且他也近年來從多家民間單位爭取到總額超過1000萬元的產學研究計畫,有效的將研究成果轉移到業界,提升我國產業競爭力。李博士也於2018~2020獲得科技部優秀年輕學者研究計畫補助。先前的研究成果,對於本計畫執行有明顯助益